Thursday, October 28, 2010

Reservations Over Reservations

Fernando has a customer come in and ask about a movie. All the copies of said movie were out, and the customer asked if it could be held for the next day, where it would be picked up around five. As Fernando was jotting down the information in his Notebook of Infinite Justice, he asked, “Could I get your number to give you a reminder?”

“I don’t think you need to. I won’t forget.” Fernando cringed on the inside upon hearing those words.

Fast-forward one day to 5 P.M. No customer appears. Come quarter to six, Fernando digs up the customer’s phone number in his records and makes a call, whereupon the customer says she cannot make it tonight, but would like the reservation to be moved to tomorrow.

“Absolutely I can do that for you.”

“Great. I’ll be in around 2 to pick it up.”

“Well…I don’t know if a copy will be around right at 2.”

“What do you mean you might not have a copy? You’ve got one right there.”

“Yep. I’ve also got a waiting list two deep on this movie for tonight.”

Cue the hysterics. Eventually it was agreed that the customer would come in tonight to pick up the movie.

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