Monday, October 4, 2010

Let Me Tell You of a Man....

On one fateful day in the summer of 2009, a man made the lifechanging decision to cast his lot into the realm of self-employment through the purchasing of a video rental store. He divested himself of nearly all his monetary savings and placed himself in debt, but in his eyes no price was too high to pay for personal independence in the realm of money-earning and a near-limitless opportunity to "geek out" in the entertainment and pop cultural realms he so deeply understood and loved.

That man was one Fernando H. Stevens.

His reign as Lord of the Dominion of Movies began one day, and that very same day the fates conspired to lessen his mirth. For, they reasoned, if he is free of the nattering of bosses and the completion of pointless and repetitive daily tasks, should he not suffer emotionally through other means? The wrangling with distributors, the hassling of irate customers, the wrath of nature, these things shall be his foil! We shall break his spirits, and bring his stewardship to an end! But Fernando was strong of will and stout of heart, and refused to bow before the endless tides of despair.

These are the tales of woe and dread, and even those fleeting occasions of uplifted spirits, that Fernando experiences.

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