Tuesday, September 13, 2011

That'll Show Him

-Ring ring ring-

Fernando peers at the caller ID, which reads “OUT OF STATE.” This will be fun.

Hello, Dominion of Movies?”

Yeah, I'd like to speak with someone in charge there about your internet and phone service.”

Oh, alright. Well, I'm happy to tell you that I'm rather content with the service I'm receiving regarding those services at the moment, so I'm uncertain there is any service you could offer me regarding the services you seek to provide. So, I bid you a good day--”

Wait! Listen for just one second!”

There is a short, stunned silence. The man on the other attempts to fill it with sales bullshit when Fernando interjects, “Did you just talk over me?”

Sir, I didn't mean--”

Because that's real professional, you know. Your odds of me signing onto your company's services just got even smaller. I am irked, sir, and highly so, to the degree that I retract my earlier statement wishing you a good day.”

Fernando then hangs up while the man on the other end blathers some nonsense words.

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