Thursday, December 23, 2010

Lots of Trouble, Little Gain

A woman comes in and rents a movie, Serious Moonlight. In an ideal world all would be well and good but, this world being the world that it is, the woman fails to return the movie. A few days later Fernando tries calling her only to find the number is out of service.

Luckily, a thing called the internet exists, and, indeed, this woman is on a popular social networking site and conveniently posted her contact information for all to see. Fernando uses this to leave a message to her and she replies that she will be in to return the movie the next day. Three guesses what doesn't come to pass. So Fernando shrugs and gives her an ultimatum: either the movie is returned within the next three days or he reports its unauthorized absence to the proper authorities. Later that very same day the woman comes down to the store to explain that the movie is forever lost and plead if she could somehow make things right.

Fernando agrees to sequester the hammer of justice in exchange for the late and replacement fees being paid in full.

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