Thursday, March 17, 2011

Jackassitude 3

About forty minutes later, around 3ish on that same Saturday, Fernando had just reached the part with the paragraph starting “Fernando resists the urge to sigh in frustration,” when the phone rings again. (Fernando is not a slow typist or one who finds it difficult to place words next to other words in a narrative. It's just that he has to help customers in a timely manner).

Hello, Dominion of Movies.”

Yeah, it's Sammy again. Has it gotten in yet?”

Fernando closes his eyes and thinks happy thoughts and says, “No, unfortunately, it hasn't yet. But you're still at the top of the list.”

Ok, cool. Uh, could you try calling me at this number instead of the other one? My phone doesn't get good reception out here.”

Fernando peers at the caller ID, which reads CELLULAR CALL. “If you could give that to me, it'd be great. The caller ID isn't showing me the number.”

Oh. Well, it's 011-0011.”

Got it,” says Fernando after scribbling out the first number and scrawling the second next to it.

But if nobody answers at this one, call the other one.”

Fernando frowns at his Notebook of Infinite Might and Justice and the illegible jumble of ink that was the first number. He can just barely make out the numbers that existed before the defacing. “Will do.”

Ok. Bye.” And Sammy hangs up.

An hour later, someone finally returns a copy of Jackass 3. And Fernando calls up Mr. Salami at the second number he gave and, after a few rings, a voice at the other end that is definitely not Mr. Salami says, “Hello?”

Yeah, this is Fernando from the Dominion of Movies. I'm calling to let Mr. Salami know that I just got back a copy of Jackass 3 so he can come by to pick it up.”

Oh, ok. I'll let him know.” And the mystery man on the other end hangs up without another word.

To Be Continued....

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