Monday, January 2, 2012

Shameless Plug

Okay, it's 2012. December is but 11 scant months away, and I've decided to scratch “have a book published” off my bucket list before the world ends. "What'll the book in question contain?" curious souls ask.

The stuff you've been reading.

“But Fernando,” said souls rightfully point out, “there's no way anyone would pay for that which is freely available. Besides, you would never find a publisher for such dreck.”

Absolutely. But, hey, Amazon exists. I'll throw it up on there as an e-book for a paltry amount ($2.99? Market research is needed.) God willing, I'll sell ten copies. I'm not going to shoot for the stars when I ought to be aiming over yon molehill. But ten copies is more than zero copies, and as far as I'm concerned that's all that matters.

As for content, in addition to everything that's been put up so far, strange unshared Chronicles which exist in my memory and the large Open Office Writer file in which I record such things will be added. If you ever had a burning desire to learn the complete details of the #1 Fan saga, it'll be there. Care to reap delicious Schadenfreude over my blunders? Yep, those'll be there too. There's even the story of the sublimely pissed-off guy who made a wide array of threats to my building and my person. I'll probably also throw in a few of those sardonic commentaries on life that everyone loves so much, and maybe some pictures. Who doesn't like pictures?

When will this masterpiece of literature be released? I'd really like it to be ready by May or June. Most of the actual writing is already done, but I still need to do the aforementioned research on the mechanics of self-publishing and to meditate on such things as layout and organization. Should it be chronological? Topical? Eh, I'll figure it out.

Any updates on this little project of mine will be in addition to the regularly scheduled insight, invective, etc. that you, Dear Readers, salivate for. So, yeah. In the immortal words of Mario Mario, “Let's-a go!”

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