Sunday, July 24, 2011

Persistence Is Not a Virtue

It's a rather cool, cloudy Thursday afternoon. Fernando is sipping from a freshly-filled water bottle. The phone rings.
Oh, goody. The rental distribution people from about three months ago. Fernando thought he was finished with them. But, business being business, Fernando cannot simply allow the phone to go unanswered. Dammit.
Hello, Dominion of Movies.”
Yeah, hi, Fern. It's me, Kevin, calling from Turtlefoot Enterprises. How are you?”
Great. Let me tell you something, Fern, and I don't know if you've heard the news, but that thing that Netflix did the other day is just phenomenal. I couldn't believe it, and let me tell you that the phones have been ringing all day with video stores calling, letting us know that they need stock for the upcoming months. So many people have...they're just so upset over this that they've canceled their subscriptions entirely. And that's good news for people like you, because it means they've got nowhere else to go for the movies being released over the coming months. I mean...lemme ask you, Fern, you've got friends who use Netflix, right? Are they as upset about this as the people I know? I mean, come on, give people actual value for their money, right?”
I guess so,” answers Fernando. He hears a faint inhalation as "Kevin" readies to continue his pitch. “But let me stop you so you won't waste any more of your time. I'm still not interested in what you guys have to offer.”
But, Fern, tell me, how exactly this won't work out for you. The depth and breadth of titles we can offer has worked for so many of our customers and it can work for you, too.”
Well, yeah. They're your customers. You provide them with that which they view as adequate value for their money. I would not receive an adequate value for my money, hence my disinterest.”
Listen, Fern, I can give you references to a number of my clients. Ask them and I'm sure--”
Sure they'll say marvelous things, yeah, I know. That's why you would mention these clients to me in the first place.”
If you'll just help me out and tell me how it--”
The plural of anecdote is not data. That's all the help I'm giving you. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a store to run. Good day.”
Will Fernando experience a Round Three down the road?

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