Thursday, June 9, 2011

Release Schedule

One muggy, June afternoon....

-Ring ring ring-

Hello, Dominion of Movies.”

Yeah, hi. I'm calling to see if you have Source Code in.”

Source Code? Er, no, can't say that I do.”

That's a bummer. Why don't you have it?”

Partly because I have no control over when studios choose to release movies to DVD and mostly because the studios haven't given a home release date for it yet, let alone released it.”

That sucks. There's nothing you can do about that, huh?”

Fernando guffaws. “You have no idea how much I would love having the power of getting the movies that people want to see into their hands the instant they want to see them. Instead, I get to struggle with getting movies I've already paid for into my hands in time for release day.”

As Source Code is unavailable, the gentleman decides to have Fernando hold True Grit and Eagle Eye for him instead.

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