Thursday, May 12, 2011

For Your Information

Continuing a train of thought from the previous update, Fernando's distribution company underwent some “internal restructuring” at the beginning of the year. Part of this restructuring was firing Fernando's old account manager, a wonderfully genial lady who'd been working there for at least fifteen years, and replacing her (and a number of others) with “new blood” in order to save money on salary and benefits, Fernando's cynicism presumes.

He's become convinced that they're doing it wrong because Fernando has suffered at least one semi-major fuck-up every month since February. Little things like competence go a long way to finding oneself in Fernando's good graces, and likewise failing at one's responsibilities goes a long way to finding oneself on Fernando's shit list. Perhaps the company is still being quite competently run, but Fernando's not seeing it from where he is situated. If he is being shunted to the bottom of the importance barrel because some more profitable location needs the copies Fernando would otherwise possess, that's fine; he owns a podunk video store in Podunksville, Podunkia. He doesn't for one second fault a company for trying to make money. That's what they're intended to do.

But he does fault a company when it completely ignores the needs of its patrons (provided, of course, they aren't deserving of such derision in the first place. Fernando can't think of anything he has done that might offend their sensibilities...except of course for this and other chronicles that he has shared with the world). Fernando likes making money just as much as his distributor, and if his means of income generation is negatively impacted to too great a degree he won't hesitate for one moment to seek out a way to recoup those financial losses. And if that requires no longer ordering Universal Studios videos from his distributor, so be it. One reaps what one sows.

Moral of the story: don't fail, and Fernando will have no problems with you.

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