Sunday, February 20, 2011


Normally on Sundays Fernando tries to provide some sort of internal discussion, some personal viewpoint on a (hopefully pertinent) subject instead of the more externally-driven fare provided on other occasions. Sometimes Fernando is feeling incredibly lazy and just throws up another story because filler content (from Fernando's perspective of “Sundays should be self-driven”) is preferable to no content, and Fernando has no intention of falling prey to schedule slip in this particular endeavor.

The difficulty is that Fernando feels he cannot give a personal opinion on many of the topics that most interest him because either they are impossibly divisive or they are interests that the general reader (whoever that may be) will find boring and/or a topic not even tangentially related to the intended premise of this web log. In the former category we have, first and foremost, politics; in the latter we have politics as well as silly things like philosophizing/navel gazing or what comes to pass during Dungeons and Dragons sessions or Fernando's non-blog writings or the other facets of Fernando's non-work-related life (such as exists, anyhow). And while Fernando can certainly rant on all sorts of topics more than capably, people generally don't like to be exposed to relentless negativity, especially on topics which they may find to be undeserving of flaying. Alienation of whatever minuscule readership I have is not the way to go through life.

The above two paragraphs are Fernando's way of trying to come up with a relatively safe topic about which to provide commentary for this week. But the cycle will simply repeat next week unless inspiration tumbles into his lap, in which case it is delayed until the following week....You get the idea. That's no good solution at all as it just puts off the inevitable.

Fernando maintains a backlog of Dominion-related chronicles because there are a number of tales yet to tell. He lacks such a stash of Sunday updates or topics on which to write Sunday updates for the reasons given above.

Fernando is going to bite the bullet and attempt to internalize some hopefully provided external stimuli. In other words, what would you, the readers, want to hear about on those Sundays when Fernando doesn't have an obviously “safe” topic readily at hand? As said earlier, Fernando's great and wonderful at complaining about things and likewise horribly bad at conversational topics that aren't highly idiosyncratic. And Fernando does have readers he doesn't know personally or only knows via reputation or friends-of-friends; he sees you peeking in now and again (and even some of his known-in-real-life readers deride some of Fernando's hobbies as puerile and without merit). Surely you desire more than just passively absorbing tales of woe and joy (or maybe you don't. Maybe people pay a visit solely for the Schadenfreude-laden narratives there are to be experienced and could care less about Fernando's personal views. I guess that's fine too).

So, let's have a dialogue. Pull up an e-chair to this e-table. I'll bring the e-coffee/e-tea and maybe even spring for e-donuts.

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