Thursday, August 18, 2011

Truth Through Power

Customer rents Spy Kids 3D. Customer returns Spy Kids 3D the next day. Problem is, customer neglected to return the 3D glasses with the discs. No big deal. Fernando calls her up.

-Ring ring ring-


Yeah, hi, this is Fernando calling--”

You've reached Celes. I can't come to the phone right now but leave a message and I'll call you back. Bye!”

In the real world, Fernando is now seething at this recorded message. But he allows no trace of ire to creep into his voice. “Yeah, hi, this is Fernando calling from the Dominion of Movies. I'm just calling to let you know that when you returned Spy Kids 3D today you accidentally forgot the glasses that came with it. So if you could just drop them off sometime, that's be great. Bye.”

Time passes and eventually the lady's boyfriend and their children come to the store. They pick out a couple of movies.

I don't know if you guys got my message earlier,” says Fernando at the counter, “but you accidentally forgot the glasses when you returned Spy Kids.”

No I didn't,” says the boyfriend.

Er. You did. See?” Fernando reaches for the shelf next to him and retrieves the set-aside case. “It's no big deal. You can just bring them when you return these ones tomorrow.”

Caught in his misstatement, the gentleman agrees to Fernando's reasonable request and peace is maintained in the Dominion thereby.

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