Sunday, June 2, 2013


At around 1.30 in the afternoon one Wednesday, Fernando hears the rumble of a vehicle outside the store. He peers through a corner of the blinds. A red pickup is sprawled in the parking lot directly blocking the door. A woman sits in the cab, idling away. Her location leads Fernando to surmise that she is dropping off a movie, but after two minutes of sitting there he amends his supposition and views her as a camper.
Fernando makes himself busy in the office, straightening things which do not need straightening. 2 PM rolls around and the truck has not moved. He sighs and unlocks the front door.
The lady in the truck's cab leans out the window at him. “Oh, now you open?”
Yes, now I open. It's two.”
I been waiting half an hour for you to come in.”
I get that a lot,” Fernando says, turning and striding to his office. The lady shuts off her truck and comes into the store after him.
She browses the store for about five minutes, then comes up to the counter with six tags in hand. “It's get one free day, right?”
Indeed so.” Fernando retrieves a pen and rental slip. “Can I get your name?”
Azerbijan Switzerland,” she answers as she fishes through her purse for crumpled small bills.
Fernando stops writing. “You have twenty-eight dollars in late fees. How much did you want to put down on them?”
Oh...all I have is this.” She drops nine tattered dollar bills to the countertop.
That's not even enough to cover the rentals, setting aside the late fees.”
She frowns at the pile of tags. “How much do I need to pay off on the late fee?”
How much do you feel you ought to pay off?”
A dollar?”
Let's do this: you rent two of those and put the remaining five-fifty from your nine dollars towards the late fee.”
Fernando takes her money, retrieves her movies, and watches her depart. The movies wound up two days late, so she now has two and a half dollars more on her late fee than previously.

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