Sunday, November 10, 2013

Call Forward

Fernando sits at his computer one dreary day and banters with a friend. It has been one of those profoundly slow Wednesdays on which the weather is just bad enough to encourage people to stay home but not quite bad enough to goad them into renting movies. The chimes jingle and a man enters the store. “Yeah, I'm here to pick up the movie you're holding for me?”
Er...which one was this?” Fernando asks. He has one reservation in the pipes, but it is for a different guy and he is waiting for said guy to arrive to collect them. It is possible, however, that this other man is here to pick up on the reservation in question.
White House Down.”
Fernando blinks. “I'm sorry, I don't have any copies of that on hold for anybody.”
Hey, I called you twenty minutes ago and you told me you would hold one.”
Fernando tilts his head. “I have gotten no phone calls all day.”
Listen, you told me you would hold that movie for me.”
I received no calls from anybody asking that I hold that movie. There's good news, though.”
What's that?” he asks, knitting his brows together.
I have copies of it in. Would you like to rent one of those?”
This is works for him.

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