One afternoon Fernando is
trying his hand at Dungeon Crawl: Stone Soup when a man enters
the Dominion. He approaches the counter and Fernando greets him.
“Yeah, do you have any
documentaries on 9/11?” the man asks.
“Not really
documentaries, no,” Fernando replies. "I've got the Oliver Stone
picture, off the top of my head, if that was something you would
maybe be interested in.”
“No, I'm looking for
ones that are about covering up the truth.”
“The...truth? No,
sorry, I know I don't have anything you're looking for with
that particular...slant.” Documentaries are piss-poor renters to
begin with, and the most recent one in the store is Michael Moore's
Sicko...which came out around two years before Fernando even
took hold of the Dominion's reins of leadership.
Notwithstanding most
social and political so-called “documentaries” are
attention-whoring malarkey with an investigatory and explanatory
outlook about on par with the average 24-hour news channel, in that
the creator holds to a normative position, rather than an empirical
one, and then seeks out examples to shore up this preconceived
notion. No scholarly or investigatory work can be wholly objective,
as the researcher always imprints some of his or her views into the
investigation at hand. But biased, histrionic bullshit is what sells
to the average American; and even then “sell” is grossly
overgenerous. As stated above, the Dominion's customer base doesn't
care to watch the newest Michael Moore schlock; and Fernando would
rather spend money on titles that turn a profit rather than pandering bullshit which, while it aligns itself politically with the plurality
of nearby ignorant customers, they still don't rent.
Anyway, the guy wandered
the store for a few minutes and then left.
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