After dinner, Alfonso
rendezvoused with Andrés for cigarettes. Fernando and Ronaldo
retired to the games room, where Chess Guy and Chess Kid lurked as
they always do. More games of Siamese-style chess were had and the
two smokers joined in eventually. Such things were a way to pass the
time, nothing more. The real reason for camping the place was the
Munchkin tournament that was to begin at 11 PM.
Other people began to
filter in starting at about 9, crowding the room and camping the
hallway outside. One of them was a lanky man with long hair whose
goth/emo/whatever-dressed girlfriend at one point apparently opted
for a procedure that surgically melded the two together. Wondertwins
never physically separated. When they stood in the hallway, she
draped her arm and leg about his front and Fernando couldn't help but
be reminded of Zalera, the Angel of Death. When Wondertwins sat down
for a game of chess at the behest of Chess Guy (quite probably
because he didn't want to deal with Chess Kid any longer), he spun
the chair around so the female half could straddle it behind him,
whereupon she wrapped her arms and legs around his shoulders and
torso like a vast tentacled beast from the deeps that had just seized
its prey.
Fernando and Ronaldo took
a detour to wander the halls and escape the cloying public display of
sentimentalism. They decided to check out the band that was playing
in another room, a self-labeled “murdercore” performance troupe.
About twelve or so people, eleven of which were female, with the last
one an awkward-looking guy standing off to one side, comprised the
Now, Fernando's not all
that well-versed in popular music and the various -cores that exist
within it, but one would think that by appending the affix “murder-”
to “-core,” it would feature a style and theme somewhat similar
to death metal, with which Fernando does have passing experience
thanks to upstanding gentlemen like Former College Roommate Nataniel
and the brave music battles he waged against the dread forces of
Generic College Dorm Rap Music. Namely, a lot of guttural growling,
fervent guitar riffs, and lyrical content which explores topics like
stylized violence or existential nihilism.
Instead, the performance
was milquetoast punk. The particular song being performed when the
pair popped in was about being yourself despite other people's
judgments. A laudable topic, sure, but not really deserving of the
label “murdercore.”
Fernando is, however,
forced to admit that this band was infinitely better than the drum
circle which followed.
The overseer for the
Munchkin tournament showed up about twenty minutes after 10 and
announced that the tournament's start would be delayed until 11:30.
What is it with people and their incapability of adhering to a
schedule? The room was cleared and the cluster of nerds now filled
the hallway. Fernando stood and swapped more D&D stories with
Andrés. Alfonso and Ronaldo joined in for a while, but then went off
on their own. Fernando assumed at the time it was solely for a food
run, but a plot was hatched and Fernando would only grow aware of it
after everything from the evening had played out.
At long last, the
tournament began. Alfonso, Ronaldo, Fernando, and Andrés made a pact
with one another stating that it was better that one of us win than
none of us. The three travelers had only known Andrés for less than
two days, but the stranger had wormed his way into their hearts and
they would all be okay with him coming away a winner.
An epic spread lay on the
three dining room-sized tables: roughly $1500 in Munchkin cards:
every base set, nearly every expansion, summing untold thousands of
tiny paper rectangles. Overseer Oman laid out the rules, the first
and foremost of which was, “There will under no circumstances be
any drinks on the tables. If there are drinks on the tables, they
will spill, and if they spill, they will get on cards, and if they
get on cards, you will be replacing them.”
Winning was determined in
the usual Munchkin way: the first person to reach level 10 wins that
table. The two winners of the respective tables would square off at
the third table for the vaunted Level 11. The table winners would
receive a $10 gift certificate to Misty Mountain Games. The loser at
the third table would win an additional $50 certificate to the game
store and copy of the newest expansion for Munchkin Zombies,
autographed by John Kovalic.
First prize was a
drawing-slash-card by John Kovalic that would become tournament-legal
if Steve Jackson, the genius designer behind the game, affixed his
signature to it.
The fifteen competitors
were split into two tables, one of eight and one of seven. Fernando
found himself divided from his comrades, for Alfonso, Ronaldo, and
Andrés were clustered at the other table, along with Chess Guy, last
year's champion, a father-son pair, and a teenaged boy. Fernando was
stuck with Wondertwins (even now, inseparable, though the female half
was not playing) and five other people he'd never seen or met before.
The youngest player at Fernando's table was a girl aged maybe twelve
or thirteen.
Let the game begin! As
Fernando only had real experience with the base set and Munchkin
Cthulhu, it is from those decks that he drew most of his cards. Play
progressed as it usually does in that game and oh yeah Fernando got
eaten by Cthulhu on his third turn because WHY NOT. All fourteen
other competitors got to go up a level based on Overseer Oman's
ruling of the card's text, and the text-mandated mockery of
Fernando's horrible fortune by the other players only rubbed more
salt in that wound.
Nothing of interest
happened at Fernando's table aside from his consumption by the Great
Old One. The other table, though, suffered much drama and trauma. Not
long after Fernando's death, a booming howl erupted from that side of
the room, rife with indignation and accusation. “I have a right to
see what that card does because it is public knowledge!!”
Everything stopped. Heads
turned and the sight was awesome and frightening to behold. A man had
shed his mortal trappings, unleashing his full potential. Stress and
a personal vendetta against Reigning Champ had forced Chess Guy to
metamorphose into Sir Dicks-A-Lot, for last year it had come down to
Champ and Sir Dicks-A-Lot in the finals, and it all had hinged on a
judge's decision.
Oh, it was on now.
Not long thereafter,
Overseer Oman gave a ghastly cry of abject torment. “NNNNOOOOOOO!”
The dread prediction had
come true. Waterboy had placed his cup of refreshment on the table
and Murphy's Law had been invoked. Ronaldo's in-play cards swam in a
clear liquid which the world hoped was water and not Sierra Mist. The
boy slunk out and Ronaldo lamented that his apparently awesome
steamroll had been forestalled by the vagaries of fate.
Long story short,
Fernando won his table because everybody thought he was out of the
game for the longest time, so he hoarded his power and wealth and
came from far behind, leveling from 6 to 10 in a single turn, and the
other people at the table could do nothing about it because they had
burnt all their cards on the other people on the edge of winning.
Fernando had his gift certificate in his possession for only a short
while, though, as the other players at his table (except for
Wondertwins, who skedaddled immediately after Fernando's victory; and
Little Gamer Girl who never saw it coming) clustered up and
unanimously agreed to approach Fernando about giving the card to
Little Gamer Girl, who had been a simply phenomenal sport about
This seemed like a good
idea to Fernando, so everyone left the room to chase her down.
Anywhere but a gaming convention five grown men hustling after a
pubescent girl would set off all kinds of red flags, but everyone
caught up to her and the card was transferred with pomp and ceremony,
and even though she rejected it the first time, Fernando insisted.
Cheers, Little Gamer Girl!
He spent the next hour
standing in the corner of the room near the third table as the other
table finished.
It all came down to Team
Dad versus Sir Dicks-A-Lot. Ronaldo was still a viable win, but he
had put most everything towards helping Alfonso make a mad dash to
victory which proved fruitless and left Fernando's brother out the
running. Andrés, sadly, never really got any momentum going due to
horrid draw luck. Reigning Champ was kept down all game by Sir
Dicks-A-Lot, and so Reigning Champ spent his time and energy fucking
with everyone equally.
Team Dad had just barely
been thwarted on the father's turn. His son did everything in power
to ensure Dad's win, but it was only through concentrated effort from
everyone else that he did not move on to the finals. Next up was
Ronaldo, who was not in a position to win and drew no cards that
could help ensure a win. Following him was Sir Dicks-A-Lot. Fernando
heard him ask Ronaldo, “Does our agreement still stand?”
Wait what now?
Sir Dicks-A-Lot then
powerleveled from 8 to 10 in one fell swoop, slaying a monster he
played from his hand while Ronaldo helped him. Wailing and gnashing
of teeth ensued from all the other players at the table except
Ronaldo, who had something of a smug look on his face.
exchange for his assistance, Ronaldo received the gift card that Sir
Dicks-A-Lot would otherwise have won. Furthermore, he had nothing to
bring to the winner's circle, while Fernando still had something
resembling an arsenal in his hand and equipped to his character. He
knew this, and so he approached Fernando with a proposition: to split
the winnings evenly. Half of the $50 gift card would go to Fernando,
the other half to Sir Dicks-A-Lot. They would sojourn
to the game store tomorrow to split the winnings. Fernando would also
have first pick of either the drawing or the Munchkin expansion.
His reasoning was as
follows: “Better for both of us to get something than for one of us
to get nothing.”
O...okay. Fernando would
have been just fine with the picture alone. Now he has $25 in gift
certificate money out of it as well, on top of the $10 of
So Fernando took the
picture. Muchkin expansion boxes are small and easily crumpled and
why does he need another copy of John Kovalic's signature when
he has the two on his Munchkin boxes and the
half-tourney-legal card?
Overseer Oman was okay
with this proposal, since it was after 3 AM by this point and he just
wanted to go to bed. However, the tournament rules stipulated that
the winner of the tournament would be granted ownership of the
picture. Since Fernando now had ownership of the picture, Overseer
Oman was forced to conclude that Fernando technically had won
the tournament.
Fuck yeah.
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