A couple of kids, maybe aged eleven or so, enter the store one afternoon. One of them is awed by Fernando's kickass Avatar poster.
“Is that Avatar?” he asks after reading the poster.
“Absolutely it is. Pretty neat, huh?”
“Yeah, I that show is awesome. I really want to see the next one that's coming out!”
“You'll have to wait a little while. Last I heard it was gonna come out in 2014.”
“Nuh-uh!” the kid objects. “They said it's gonna come out next year! I heard one of my friends tell me!”
“I think your friend was mistaken. But, then again, I could be wrong myself. Maybe they moved it up on me since last I checked.” At any rate, the kid doesn't follow up on the conversation so Fernando goes back to doing his own thing.
Anyhow, the kids browse the store for a bit and eventually a tag is thrown up on the countertop. As Fernando fills out the rental slip, he sees the tag is labeled “The Last Airbender.” So the other one.
“Well, that was silly of me before,” Fernando admits to the kids when he sees precisely which Avatar he was supposed to have been discussing. “And you were a hundred percent right.” The kid beams at Fernando. “Cartoon's still better, though. Legend of...well, whatever it is [Korra, Fernando finds out after researching it once the conversation had ended] will be better, too.”
The kids gasp. “You watched it?” the one asks in awe.
“Well, yeah. I own a video rental store. That obligates me to be a silly, socially inept, introvert nerd. Well, that, or the fact that I'm a silly, socially inept, introvert nerd obligates me to own some sort of geekly business. Hard to tell which is the cause and which is the effect.”
Thus does Fernando propagate his rapport.
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